Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First Day of School 2008

Ashley and Ethan both started school today and they were so excited, last night we packed their book bags with all their supplies, packed their lunch, and picked out which outfit they wanted to wear today, I was proud of myself because I really let them pick. I was almost positive that they would never fall asleep, because of the anticipation, but they both gave in and got a good nights sleep. Ashley is now in first grade and considers herself almost grown. It was very cute watching her educate Ethan on exactly how everything was going to work in school. Ethan started Kindergarten and once again my heart was a little sad at how fast they are growing. It is crazy to think that now have two babies in school. Don't get me wrong I am definitely going to enjoy the little bit of extra time in the day with just two at home ( I know that doesn't seem like a break to most, but 2 is less than 4). I am so proud of the little people that they are, each with their own fun personalities.


meredith said...

They look very cute and all ready for the new year. Does Ethan have all day kindergarten?

In our family all 5 of us will be going back to school this fall! (Okay, since Shawn works year round, I guess he's not going back, but the students are returning on Monday...) I'm glad that we still have a few weeks of summer left, but I know I'll be jealous come May when your kids are done and we're all still in school!

Lori said...

They looked so ready for school! I can't believe Ethan is in kindergarten already! They do grow up fast don't they?

Jodi said...

They are soooo cute! Ethan was even more adorable when he told me that he wasn't a "scaredy cat". Too cute!

K.C. said...

What cute babies. It must run in your family. Tell them Aunt K.C. send Hugs & Kisses!

redneck idaho grandparents said...

This is awesome. We are proud to be a part of it all. Thanks, Jamie. I know Jeremy is too busy to have done this......but then again, how did you find the time??

Vicky said...

I just figured out how to use comments, so I'm slow. They are getting so big. Tell them grandma loves them and you big adults too!

Jax said...

Hey so I am a total blog stalker and looked all over to see if I could find you guys!! I love to be able to see how life is. We really should talk sometime!!