Monday, December 22, 2008

Tis the Season

Tis the Season

We started off the Christmas season with putting up our tree and decorating the house. Each year we have a special dinner and the the kids get a new ornament to put on the tree. They love it and look forward to the night each year.

Trip to Visit Santa!!

We had tons of fun on our trip to see Santa. The kids actually sat on his lap this year and enjoyed it. After giving our wish list, we had a little free fun in the mall.

The kids love the escalators. They rode them several times, it was as if we had just payed to get them into some wonderful amusement ride.

Then outside all the leaves had fallen and we took time to let the kids pile them up and play in them. It was so much fun to just let lose and enjoy the moment with the babies. So much of the time we try to do bigger and better things to entertain them, but it is the small and simple things that they love the most, just being with us and each other.

Our Beautiful Gingerbread House

We made a Gingerbread house last night for a sister in our ward who is all by herself for the holidays. The kids loved eating the candy while decorating, and they really loved singing the Christmas carols as we delivered it. We practiced in the car on the way to her house and they sang great when we got to her door. It really impressed me how loud they were.


Jodi said...

I love it! I love it! I love it! My ginger bread houses never make it past the beginning stages of construction. The Santa looks so real! I couldn't convince the girls to sit on his lap when we went to downtown disney this year. Missing you! Love you!

Jodi said...

Mama says that in the picture of you and the boys you look just like...well...Jamie. Only mom!